This famous line is shouted by Col. Nathan Jessup aka Jack Nicholson in the 1992 film, “A Few Good Men”.
What about you?
Can you handle the truth?
All us humans ignore or downplay things that don’t fit our preferred world view. We all avoid hard truths. In business, we resist changes, feedback and new ways of operating that take us out of our comfort zone.
For retirement plan advisors with small independent firms, I am talking to you! The Truth is
The Truth is what led to success in the past won’t lead to growth in the future.
You are facing rapid industry consolidation, fee compression, quickly emerging technologies, new legislation, and much greater competition for plan participants.
HANDLING THIS TRUTH means you are strategically positioned to surf these waves of change, weather the threats, and capture the opportunities presented. You are confident in your business model, able to focus your time where you add most value, and aligned with the right strategic partners. If so, you can confidently shout back, “YES, I CAN HANDLE THE TRUTH!”
If not so sure, let’s talk.